Accueil > MSX 1/2 > MSX - Various - [DSK] (2007-01-01) |
Archive | Knightmare II - The Maze of Galious (1987)(Konami).zip | Contenu | Afficher | | Knightmare II - The Maze of Galious (1987)(Konami).dsk | 9fac0941 |
| Taille | 109 Ko | Téléchargements | 1043 depuis le Mercredi 11 Avril 2007 |
Téléchargement |
Afin d'éviter les abus et de garantir de bonnes vitesses de téléchargement, le système limite à 20 le nombre de fichiers que vous pouvez télécharger par intervalles de 300 secondes. Il vous reste 0 secondes à attendre avant de pouvoir lancer le téléchargement.
In each world:
- Doll: World 2 only. Is needed for the bridge to appear
- Holy Water: Halves a boss' life. One is in each world, we get them if they aren't too out of the way
- Scepter: Prevents you from losing subweapons on boss fights, we only get it if it doesn't waste time
- Cape: Cuts boss damage on half. Since it doesn't affect drain speed, it's unnecessary, but sometimes, it just doesn't waste any time to get.
Knightmare 2 Maze Of Galious
Knightmare Ii The Maze Of Galious Nes Rom
In the castle:
Knightmare 2 Maze Of Galious
- Halo: Lets you warp to a certain screen in the Castle by hitting enter on the Pause screen, referred to as Demeter
- Arrows: Essential
- Boots: We deemed them to be faster in the long run, which is why we took the detour to get them.
- Cross: Required to defeat Galious
- Dragon Helm: Protects against the White Spirits. Unnecesary, but getting it doesn't waste any time
- Ceramic Arrows: Slower and pass through enemies, required for the World 7 boss
- Sabre: Does more damage against minor enemies. Cuts down some time when having to kill enemies that open walls upon death and doesn't take any to get, because you have to wait for the moving platform anyway.
- Feather: Lets you jump to a world already opened by hitting the appropiate number on the pause screen. We use it to warp to world 7 because it's very close to world 9.
Knightmare Ii The Maze Of Galious Rom
All other items are either too far out of the way or plain useless for a TAS. Many items just lift restrictions the other character already doesn't need to worry about.One that could potentially be useful would be the dagger, which allows you to kill all bats on screen by typing UMBRELLA. I am not making that up.